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Lianyungang Longtaiwei Food Ingredients Co., Ltd. Group Building Activity
Time: 2019-07-29
In order to promote the company's cultural construction and also to encourage advanced individuals, Lianyungang Longtaiwei Food Ingredients Co., Ltd. organized employees' vacations on July 26-28, playing in the Tianjie Mountain Scenic Area in the Taihang Mountains. Qiang, I hope that all our staff will work harder to complete the task and continue our next stop.
Add: No. 1, Longtaiwei Road, East District, Economic Development Zone, Guannan County, Lianyungang City
E-mail: sales@ltwchem.com, sales1@ltwfood.com
Tel: +86-518-85336680 Fax: +86-518-87038707 Contact: Mr. Zhu Mobile: +86-18505180707, 13805120707, 13786656111
URL: designershints.com
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